Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep in the heart of a dense forest, there lived a woman named Emily. Emily was a kind and gentle soul who lived a simple life, tending to her small garden and spending her days wandering the forest and admiring the beauty of nature.

One day, while out on one of her walks, Emily stumbled upon a strange and mysterious tree. The tree was unlike any she had ever seen before, with gnarled and twisted branches that seemed to writhe and contort in the wind. As she approached the tree, she noticed that it was carved with the image of a woman's face, her eyes closed in a peaceful slumber.

Feeling drawn to the tree, Emily reached out to touch the carving and as her fingers brushed the rough bark, she felt a jolt of energy run through her body. Suddenly, her eyes snapped open and she was no longer looking at the tree, but at a vision of a woman crying tears of blue. The woman looked sad and lonely, and Emily knew that she had to help her.

Without hesitation, Emily began to carve her own image into the tree, crafting a carving of a woman with a kind and loving face, her arms open wide in a gesture of embrace. As she worked, the tears of the crying woman began to dry up and her expression softened, replaced by one of peace and contentment.

As the sun began to set and Emily finished her carving, she stepped back to admire her work. The tree now bore two carvings, one of a crying woman and one of a loving embrace, and as she looked at them, Emily felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

The villagers of the forest soon heard of Emily's creation and they came from far and wide to see the tree. They marveled at the beauty of the carvings and many of them left gifts and offerings at the base of the tree, thanking Emily for her kindness and generosity.
